

Media darkens the black image

  The negative depictions of African-Americans in the media have done incalculable damage to how blacks are actually perceived in society. In history, African-Americans spoke freely to their oppressors, enlightening them with sophisticated speeches. Even with nonviolent actions, society portrays African-Americans violently in the news. African-Americans have taken beatings because […]


No vote ‘rocks the boat’

  I did not vote in the 2008 election. There, I said it. I did try to vote in the “historical” election. But I didn’t register in time, and I was unable to vote for change. However, President Barack Obama won without my vote. I’m registered to vote in November, […]


History Shows It’s Usually Black or White, Never Both

Emmit Till. Arthur McDuffie. Rodney King. Amadou Diallo. Sean Bell. Martin Anderson. Trayvon Martin. In the last 57 years, these black men were victims of a white man’s hostility, or in Martin’s case, a white Hispanic man. And in all but Till’s and Martin’s cases, their aggressors have been acquitted […]


Editor-in-Chief Says Farewell

The past year that I spent working with The Famuan has been the busiest, most intense year I have ever experienced and I would not change a thing. When I came to Florida A&M January 2011, I never thought I would get to this position, especially not this quickly. Yet, […]


Spend Your Summer Vacation Preparing for Your Future

Everyone seems to be on the same page about this semester: it has been a long and true test of the type of student each of us is. After such a long semester, students are likely excited for summer, and they are anticipating fun. However, during the summer, you should […]


FAMU Administration Should Be As Efficient As Parking Services

You’re walking to your car. Just as you get close and the day’s almost over, there, wearing a dark hat with matching pants and a tan shirt, clipboard ready, is a Florida A&M Parking Services worker tapping keys, filling his screen with the information about your car. You try to […]


Zimmerman Arrested Finally; What is Next?

In a few weeks, Trayvon Martin went from a nameless shooting victim to the symbol of the ever-present racial divide in the U.S. It was a simple story that the country watched with rapt attention: Would the 17-year-old’s killer – a self-appointed neighborhood watchman George Zimmerman – be jailed for […]


Letter to the Editor: CASUCS Clay EP Project Represents Unity among Students

While scrolling through my Twitter timeline, I couldn’t help but notice the tweets of some disgruntled students regarding the “irresponsible” use of their A&S fees. But was the CASUCS Clay EP really an irresponsible use of funds? CASUCS (pronounced CA-SHUS) is an idea/ initiative and a platform for SGA to […]


Zimmerman’s gun, the only reason for his brazen actions

Forty-three days later and still no justice for Trayvon Martin. However George Zimmerman’s attorneys called a press conference to inform the media and the public that they will no longer represent Zimmerman, because he has had no contact with him since Sunday. Unless, Zimmerman informs his attorneys that he wants […]


Encouragement For My Fellow Rattlers

  Do you ever feel like giving up?  Do you feel at your lowest points in life sometimes?  I am here to tell you everything is going to be all right. The economy is slowly declining and jobs are very hard to get. You can have two or three degrees […]