I was in eighth grade the day I signed up for Myspace. My best friend pressured me to join, convincing me it was the best social media site created.
I was the last of my friends to be exposed to the art of HTML coding, graphics and the ability of scrolling objects. After uploading a decent photo, updating songs to my “Profile Playlist,” removing Tom from my “Top Friends” and making my “About Me” read as if I was the coolest person on earth, I was addicted.
Facebook was exclusive to college students at this time. For adolescents, Myspace was a virtual safe haven. In 2005, Myspace led the way in social network membership with 26.7 million users compared to Facebook’s 11.1 million users, according to a USA Today report.
I was disappointed when I transitioned from the colorful world of Myspace to the simplistic outline of Facebook. Where was the fun in answering “what’s on your mind?” and making photo albums, only to see that every user’s profile looked the same?
I realized its popularity did not stem from its look. It stemmed from its demand. I, like many others, wanted to see what all the noise was about.
The tables turned when Facebook opened its site to the masses in 2006. Certain work networks were privileged to sign up, then high school students and, eventually, the rest of the world was allowed into its arguably secret society of a site.
Myspace used to be a site where peeking into someone’s profile gave you a glimpse of their personality, and Facebook was used as a professional connection for the special few. I guess you can say as my maturity changed, so did my membership from Myspace to Facebook.
Now that Facebook has essentially become the new Myspace, the question is can Myspace make a comeback?