Growing up in the age of Miss Cleo scams and television shows such as “Charmed,” psychic reading always seemed like a joke. Believing psychic readings could be real meant that you must be some type of crazy. But after a recent experience, I think many other people should give it a try.
I recently had my first psychic reading, and after that experience, I am sure it will not be my last. The person who gave me this reading was not a friend. He knew nothing about me, and I had never met him before my reading. I happened to be at the right place at the right time.
When he came into the room, I felt a warmth in his presence. Something about him seemed angelic and approachable. I figured he was just an interesting person, but I knew I wanted to get to know him.
As we bounced around our ideas of politics, society and religion, our in-depth dialogue of spirituality led me to believe he may be capable of something more than just a friendly conversation. As I got the courage to ask if he was able to tap into the future, I was cut off by a response of my own question being asked back to me.
“What?” he said. “Do you want a psychic reading?”
“I mean, yeah, I guess – if that is okay,” I replied.
My biggest fear was being told that I am headed down a path of death and destruction. But this fear was met with the excitement of something new and fresh. As the reading went on, I found out that it is more of a translation of a foreign language than a third party, demonic possession, as seen in the movies. The lights did not flicker and there was no crystal ball.
My eyes caught the rocks he held, engraved with blue, abnormal lettering. These anxiously held my secrets and where I was in my life. Psychic readings are not meant to tell you whether or not you will die, but to direct you to a path of betterment and self-realization.
In a conversation with friends, I realized that I am not the only one indulging in this abnormal experience. Many of my friends have secretly had tarot card readings or psychic readings. It is something that is common among our generation. It may have something to do with the rumors of the world coming to an end, but I just want to know what life holds for me.
My reading was not something broad that you would find in a fortune cookie, and I was not given any lucky numbers. I do believe they are real, and this was not a joke. I’m anxious to see people find out the secrets in their lives or maybe be awakened to what is right in front of their faces.