

Education is key in preventing HIV/AIDS

The girl who was viewed as sort of “different” from the rest of her friends, was the one who never dated two or more guys at once. She didn’t find it appeasing when a guy complimented her on her figure, rather than her personality.  This girl became somewhat of an “observer.” […]


New program offers assistance

Cover Florida, a Health Care Access program, offers health care coverage to 3.8 million of uninsured Floridians.  The program is for Florida residents that have been without insurance for at least six months or those who have recently lost employee sponsored insurance. Many private insurance companies are involved in this […]


Media glare hurts Jena 6 teen

On Dec. 29, 2008, Mychal Bell made an attempt to commit suicide.  Bell is one of the six young men from the well-known Jena 6 case. This trial involved six black high school football players from Jena, La.  The young men were charged with the assault of a fellow white […]


System change disrupts semester

In the 2008 presidential election, president-elect Barack Obama’s emphasis of the word “CHANGE” served as a primary focus for a new beginning.  Florida A&M University has adopted an identical principle in their decision to update the OurFAMU/IRattler Web site. Change isn’t always good when it creates chaos. The fact that […]


Name can help or hinder child

In many societies it is common for parents to name their children after great figures. People have given all 10 of their children a name out of the Bible, when they haven’t even read one chapter.  It seems that individuals give their children these names because they think their offspring […]