

Feel good music helps listeners tune into emotions

At the beginning of the spring semester I took a trip to “The Set.” Suddenly the song “Stanky Leg” by GS Boys began to play.  It seemed like everyone stopped socializing to do the dance. Yes, girls and guys alike were doing this silly dance and I have to admit […]


Negligent parents tempt fate and endanger children

I’m sick of all these irresponsible “parents.”  Lousy excuses for adults that have kids just because they aren’t smart enough to use protection.  I really can’t stand these people bringing children into the world and then thinking they aren’t completely responsible for them. Newsflash:  Once you have a child, your […]


Fatality reinforces automotive safety

Larry Taylor, 61, was the victim of a fatal motorcycle accident that occurred at 5:45 a.m. on Tuesday, according to tdo.com. The accident occurred at the corner of Meridian and John Knox roads and also involved Carla Richardson, 54. Taylor’s motorcycle hit the front of Richardson’s Toyota Camry. Due to […]


Losing sleep over time change

The Leon County School Board decided that it was okay to revise the starting times for Leon County Schools for the 2009-2010 school year, according to tdo.com. Currently, the Leon County school system is operating on 18 various start times throughout the district. The new plan will be implemented this […]


Election rules must apply to anyone tied to SGA

It’s important for us to set the record straight on the issue of our next student body president and vice president-elect. There is no student body president or vice-president-elect until the vice president of Student Affairs makes his decision. The decision can either be to uphold the Student Supreme Court’s […]


An update by the SGA President

It occurs to me that this may very well be my last article as Student Body President, so I wanted to leave message from the heart, borne of an extended history with this university and her students. I hope I am able to leave an impression on some Rattlers about […]


Plump passengers pay a pretty penny on plane

Fat people who ride United Airlines may have to pay for an extra ticket when riding. Sounds harsh, doesn’t it? Now, we are not talking about a few extra pounds. According to United Airways, this policy applies to people who don’t fit in a regular seat, people who can’t put […]


Arabian man marries 8-year-old

In recent news, a 47-year-old Saudi Arabian man married an 8-year-old girl. According to the lawyer, the little girl’s father arranged the marriage in order to settle his debts with the man, who is “a close friend” of his. The judge did ask for a pledge from the husband, who […]


Some faculty feel FAMU’s new policy is arbitrary

Florida A&M University is one the most prestigious Historically Black Universities of today. Within the past few years, like many institutions, it has experienced some problems. Despite what some may call a lack of poor administration, the university has continued to strive for superiority. According to an article on tdo.com, […]


Rude cops shoot down expectations

Growing up, I always thought cops were people worthy of respect. They seemed pretty impressive; they were strong men and women with guns, and they always seemed capable of catching the bad guys. I never wanted to be the robbers when my friends and I played Cops and Robbers because […]