Family Dollar, a discount chain that caters to low-income customers, has announced that it is closing a number of its stores — including at least one in Tallahassee. Dollar Tree repurchased Family Dollar in 2015 for $8.5 billion. It announced last month that it would start closing locations. There are […]
Author: Kyla Brown | Staff writer
Affordable housing proves elusive
There was a community meeting Tuesday at the Old West Florida Enrichment Center where city and county commissioners were asked questions about affordable housing. Residents wanted to know about what steps their elected officials are taking to help with affordable housing. Brianna Terry recently moved back to Tallahassee after […]
It’s not too late to make a memory box
Memory is central to our identity. It helps to remember the good times with families, communities and organizations. Memories are not just what we hold in our heads. They also take concrete forms and consist of documents, images and objects. Generation Z has loved to use social media to collect […]
School and stress go hand-in-hand
The relationship between school stress and unhealthy skin can make you want to hide in the house. College students can face many stressors in pursuit of their degree. Academic stress can cause many students to feel overwhelmed by school. You have more responsibilities when you are in school. For example, […]
Graduation weekend means sky-high hotel rates
The graduation weekend for Florida A&M University and Florida State University is May 4-5. This promises to be a jam-packed weekend in Tallahassee, especially for hotels. The dramatic increase in hotel prices for a weekend stay makes you wonder if the hotel should be able to increase the prices so […]
Brooksville to host Rattler Solar Center
Florida A&M University is partnering with Duke Energy to build the Rattler Solar Center in Brooksville, located in Hernando County. FAMU received the land in 2015 from the United States Department of Agriculture. The federal government transferred 3,860 acres, the largest transfer of land for any HBCU land grant institution. […]
Boxing can help with stress
Boxing is a high-intensity workout for both the body and mind. It offers an ideal way for students to rid themselves of stress. When students feel stressed, they must find healthy ways to deal with their stress levels. When you improve your mood, sometimes hitting a target over and over […]
University sells used items at marked-down prices
The Florida A&M University Property Records’ quarterly surplus bid took place Saturday. The available items included computers, scientific equipment, furniture, electronics and vehicles. Sales were conducted at the FAMU Surplus Warehouse on Wahnish Way. The surplus warehouse is open to all department staff on a first-come, first-served basis. The staff […]
Poor People’s Campaign comes to the Capitol
A national call for moral revival took place Saturday at the Florida Capitol. Also known as the Poor People’s Campaign, the march to the Capitol started at the First Presbyterian Church on North Adams Street. At least 31 other states staged similar marches on Saturday, bringing awareness to low-wage workers. […]