

Love out of luck on the thirteenth

Everyone knows that Valentine’s Day is coming up this Saturday.  It‘s the most romantic holiday in the world; you and your significant other exchange tokens of affection, to show how much you love each other. Some people use this day to tell someone special, how they really feel and why […]


Valentine’s not just for lovers

It’s that time again, when loved ones can be forgiven for any wrong they’ve done because they picked up flowers, a card and some chocolates. It’s February 14th and we celebrate this day by letting the people who we love know they’re appreciated. Most people don’t even know the history […]


University may face more cuts

Due to the economic crisis, Florida A&M University administrators may have to cut about $17.5 million from their $102 million general revenue budget according to the Tallahasse Democrat. During a budget workshop, FAMU’s chief financial officer Teresa Hardee made a 30-page presentation to the Board of Trustees.   Hardee then presented […]


Sin city’s mayor reacts to Obama’s remarks

According to www.foxnews.com, Las Vegas Mayor Oscar Goodman wrote a letter to President Barack Obama about his criticism of companies using taxpayer dollars, to visit the city. Goodman also stated that the President’s comments were detrimental to the attraction of tourists and the citizens of southern Nevada. He believes that […]


Performer’s violence may bring end to career

Various reports, from sources CNN and E! News, have been released and have confirmed the incident. Early Sunday morning, around 12:30 a.m., singer Chris Brown and a then unidentified woman got into an argument that turned physical near Hancock Park in Hollywood. The confrontation escalated and the couple got into […]


The harm in coddling athletes

Preston Parker, Florida State University’s football team’s offensive most valuable player in 2007, has excelled on the field, but continues to garner negative press through his illegal activities. Coach Bobby Bowden announced Parker‘s dismissal from the team “due to his latest violation of team policy,” last Monday. According to the […]


American culture killed joy of reading

Over the years many pastimes have died like hopscotch, baseball, and recreational baking.  All of these are fading away, while video games, television and other electronic devices turn perfectly good brains into goop.  American citizens are in a era where text messages are the most exciting things they read in […]


Tax offers a better solution

For the past 20 days, spending rates have decreased, gas prices have increased and property values have been in extreme decline.  While legislators are discussing what needs to be done to fix this economic crisis, families are still struggling to make a decent living. According to officials, Leon County has […]


Education is key in preventing HIV/AIDS

The girl who was viewed as sort of “different” from the rest of her friends, was the one who never dated two or more guys at once. She didn’t find it appeasing when a guy complimented her on her figure, rather than her personality.  This girl became somewhat of an “observer.” […]


Justice system at fault in wrongful conviction

It is impossible to get back time that has been stolen from you. Especially when you were wrongfully convicted of rape, spent almost two decades in prison and died there due to a lifelong illness. According to CNN.com, back in 1985, Timothy Cole was convicted and sentenced to 25 years […]