

Sex on the Hill

My grandma always annoyed me with her warnings about the latest “rape man” in our city, that I need to walk in packs with my friends, and park in well-lit places at night. But even though she annoyed and still to this day annoys me, she is right. We as […]


Cafeteria Religion

Religion is one subject I don’t argue about. There is no middle ground because, at the end of the day, everyone believes something different. When it comes to religion, some people try to pick and choose when they want to be religious. Others tend to be selective in what they […]


Write For Me

Do I look scary to anyone? Is my demeanor that of a serial killer? By show of hands, how many people have seen this Sports Editor convert his appetite to the delicacies of human organs? Great. So why is it so hard for people to approach me about writing an […]


‘F-word’ Need not Apply: Uniqueness Reigns

Faggot. I vividly recall the first time I was called one. Amy Crews, my first grade teacher, asked us what we wanted to be when we grew up. Mark Jones wanted to be a fireman. Sean Adams wanted to be a doctor. When it was my turn, I stood up […]


Turn Off Your Gaydar – Don’t Assume

Flamboyance, tight clothes and a switch in the hips are all things that some people associate with being gay. If they happen to smack their lips the assumption is that the person has “a little sugar in their tank.” However, gays also marry, raise children, serve in Congress, play professional […]


LGBT students lack protection

I was shocked and disgusted when I heard that Florida A&M does not provide students protection from discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity. FAMU, named the number one public Historically Black College/University by the U.S. News and World Report, does not offer protection to students based on their […]


Students Must Get Politically Active

Seems like just yesterday Barack Obama was elected into office. Now, it’s about time to vote for America’s 45th president. For some reason, I am not as confident that we will have the record turnout of votes as we did in 2008.  Am I optimistic? A little, but reality seems […]


Kristin vs. Jason Face-Off: Is Corporal Punishment Necessary?

My grandmother always said, when they started making these child abuse laws, that’s when black children started losing their minds. No wonder my mother believed that sparing the rod would spoil the child. Because of it, I am a very respectful young lady who knows how to carry herself at […]


Jason vs. Kristin Face-Off: Is Corporal Punishment Necessary?

The question of whether corporal punishment is a valid form of discipline for children has been a pressing issue in the circles of many psychologists for decades.  Some claim it is detrimental because it directly correlates with adult aggressive behavior. Others find it permissible, so long as it is done […]


Canadian ‘Black Face Tribute’ Reminiscent of Jim Crow

During an Olympic themed event at Montreal University last week, business students decided to “honor” Jamaican sprinter Usain Bolt by spreading black paint on their faces and bodies, wearing Rastafarian hats, monkey printed boxers and carrying a stuffed monkey. At the event, the students were filmed yelling “Ya Mon!” and […]