In Omnia Paratus! This Latin phrase means, “Ready for Anything,” and that’s the attitude I plan to take with me to the two-day Power Shift 2011 conference. Hey, my name is Duane Robin, Multimedia Editor for The FAMUAN. I’ll also be in charge of ensuring the blog is maintained throughout this trip.
Back to my attempt at speaking Latin; I have to be ready for anything because life waits for no one. I am a first-year journalism student and I plan to make a difference in environmental attitudes in my time at Florida A&M. If that means making a few dozen students more energy conscious or convincing whoever is in charge of leaving the blasted monitors running in J-School to turn them off at night, that’s what I’ll do. That’s my reason for joining FAMU Green Coalition, accepting the position as Historian and taking this bus to Washington D.C.
If you’re not all caught up about Power Shift, read Anthony Ward’s introductory blog, and then hop back here.
I’ll wait.
Hello, again. Power Shift will feature several different seminars and speaking events about the global climate crisis. I plan to attend sessions on Campus Sustainability for Environmental projects because I believe we can make the difference. And as corny as some of you might think this is, I grew up in the Captain Planet generation and I know that the power to change the world is mine (and yours!).
My guarantee to you our readers is to provide as much information as I can about Power Shift and to keep the stories, pictures and videos coming. They say sleep when you’re dead; whoever they are. We have more than three dozen possible voices telling this story in different media; so expect anything.
Oh, and considering I only arrived in the U.S. a few months ago, seeing America’s capital is thrilling to me on a whole other level. And the bus really can’t get there soon enough. It’s now 7:37am on Friday, April 15, 2011, and I’m fairly certain we’re still in Georgia. (My newly-installed GPS app refuses to confirm my suspicions). I’m about to take my Nikon D90 to the bus and to the dismay of many in here, shoot (photographer’s lingo for taking pictures) some sleeping people.
Wish me luck. In Omnia Paratus!
Later Days,
D. A. Robin,
Historian-Elect, FAMU Green Coalition 2011-2012
Read all the blogs and view all the photos here.
[Please note: Each poster remains responsible for the content of his/her blog post. These views in no way represent The FAMUAN Online.]