

Come One, Come All

The Famuan is the student voice of Florida A&M and I want to reach out to the student body to challenge and invite everyone to come write for us. It doesn’t matter what school or college you are in, The Famuan is a place to have your voice heard. If […]


Why Convocation Matters to Every FAMU Student

After attending Friday’s Martin Luther King Jr. convocation, a frequent question that my peers ask popped into my mind: Why is attending convocation important? Convocation is an event where the student body, faculty and administrators gather in Jake Gaither Gym or Al Lawson Jr. Multipurpose Center to rejuvenate the spirits […]


Why we celebrate Martin Luther King Jr.

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Ladies, be respectable and not despicable

The way women have presented themselves in public has been frowned upon by many in today’s society. The reason for this “trend” if you will is due to some women having no regard for how they carry themselves. I hate that women are being generalized under a category because of […]


Tebow proves critics wrong with a strong season

Tim Tebow epitomizes rising above criticism.  So-called “experts” and fans of the game have subjected this man to pervasive criticism ever since 2010, when he was drafted 25th overall into the National Football League by the Denver Broncos. Whether it is because of his quirky quarterback mechanics or his outspoken […]


Time’s Up, Sen. McCain

It took me a while to figure out what my first opinions piece of the year would be. I finally decided to write on Sen. John McCain’s mistake while on the campaign trail for Mitt Romney. Yes, the one where McCain encouraged voters to re-elect the president. A couple weeks […]


Touch-Screen Products: Use with Care

The world lives in an amazing era of cultural and technological advancement that is unrivaled from previous generations in terms of potential and accessibility. To live in a world where an average person can access, analyze, store and send massive amounts of information to people across the globe (with only […]


College Football is All about Money

As the end of the 2011-2012 college football season approaches there is one thing sports fans want to know. When is there going to be a legitimate playoff system for college football? Every year, the same argument appears in this sport. Why is there a computer that judges who will […]


Silence Destroys Community

African-Americans dreams of voting weren’t fully recognized until 1965, only 46 years ago. Since voting is still a relatively new process for African-Americans, one could assume voting would be at an all time high. However, statistics show that African-Americans have inconsistent voting patterns.  In the 2008 presidential election, according to […]


Michelle Obama is Still Human

First Lady Michelle Obama is the epitome of class, elegance, grace, style and most of all intelligence. Well at least she is to me. To others she is just something to be ridiculed. In 2009, Michelle accompanied President Barack Obama on a trip to Europe. During this trip she met […]