Quicker than people could say FAMU, former Provost Cynthia Hughes Harris was on her way to the Allied Health and Sciences building. Last week, Harris was reassigned to her old position as dean of the School of Allied Health and Sciences. One can’t help but question where this decision came from.
Why was she given her old position after being Provost? What is the purpose of her reassignment? Let’s say she wasn’t doing her job, certainly giving back her old one isn’t the solution.
This is part of the reason why things that could be changed at FAMU remain the same. The same people who fail to deliver in their positions are recycled and are given “second chances.”
They can’t honestly believe these changes are beneficial to their administration and the university. FAMU needs a drastic change, but this seemingly impromptu shuffle just seems suspicious.
Former Provost Larry Robinson has replaced Hughes Harris, but other administration members have been moved around as well.
Robinson held the position from 2003-2005 and in 2010 took a position at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.
This should raise concern among the student body. But like a lot of the issues on this campus, it will be swept under the rug so people can forget about it.
It’s not that simple. The administration and more specifically, Ammons is obligated to explain the things that are going on at our university. Students and faculty have the right to know why things are happening.
It is oddly suspicious that the administration makes such a bold and public move without any real explanation. This is not the first time FAMU’s administration has hastily tried to resolve an issue with a half-baked idea.
After the death of Robert Champion, Ammons quickly fired Director of Bands Julian White, and four students were suspended, before any kind of investigation could even be launched.
This action led to widespread speculation about whether Ammons had previous knowledge about FAMU’s hazing culture before it claimed Champion’s life.
Administration needs to learn whom they are serving.
They are not here to serve themselves. They are in positions of power to serve the student body. That means if there is a change in positions or of policies, the university should, on its own accord, let the student body know.
Students deserve to know why their leaders are being switched and changed around. How will they know if it will help things improve?
But administrators insist on keeping everything they do a secret time and time again. This will only lead to further speculation of how business is conducted in Foote-Hilyer.
Instead of recycling former employees, administration should focus on finding new people who are competent and will act in the best interest of FAMU.
This is a university and should be treated as such. Making sure your friends have jobs and keeping things under wraps is selfish. It shows a lack of concern for those who invest time and money into this university. If someone isn’t doing what they’re supposed to be doing, it’s time to let them go.