The United States Postal Services have stopped individually sorting mail for many of the student housing apartments. Residents of The Social 2700 noticed the change earlier this year when the frequency in which they received mail changed. Some say they went from getting mail every other day to maybe once […]
Author: Kiara Green | Staff Writer
FAMU reacts to possible ban on critical race theory
Florida House of Representatives member Randy Fine recently filed House Bill 57. If approved, this would ban the use of critical race theory in any context, including public universities and state colleges. Adversaries believe CRT is one sided, telling only the side of black people and how they were afflicted […]
Healthy eating on a budget
It’s so easy to run to places like McDonald’s or Wendy’s for a quick meal. It’s easily accessible and more importantly, it’s cheap. Most people, especially college students, find themselves eating fast food a lot more often than usual because you can get an entire meal for no more than […]
On the Runwayvez
Having a great sense of fashion and the ability to put great outfits together isn’t a talent that everyone has. But for others, it comes as second nature. FAMU alumna Brianna Alston can do it with her eyes closed. Alston, 23, was born and raised in Miami and moved to […]
Dixon’s brand is helping others with their brand
Zaria Dixon didn’t waste any time creating a brand of her own. “I want to help people bring their brands to life,”Dixonsaid. “Helping them do so will help me to bring mine to life as well. We water one another and grow from there.” Dixon organized Legacy Creative Studio for […]