It’s time to ditch the biker shorts and tank tops because fall is here with a vengeance.
With fall comes pumpkin spiced lattes and Ugg boots, but with this fall you might need a little more than usual.
In South Florida, it is unusual for it to be even a little bit cold — but the same can not be said for North Florida, especially Tallahassee. Around this time, even if it’s sunny outside you should always be prepared for possible cold, windy and wet weather since fall weather can change so quickly. The mornings and nights are often cold and it gets under 60 degrees in a hurry once the sun goes down.
During the day time, it is usually warm with a light breeze.
Fall also means that it is flu season , so make sure to bundle up in the proper attire. Some proper attire for this time includes: boots, jeans, thick jackets, long-sleeve shirts, and beanies.
With COVID-19 still very much around, those who catch the flu often get scared that it could be COVID-19. According to Greater Than Covid’s website, Dr. Lisa Fitzpatrick answers questions about COVID and the flu.
“The flu is primarily fever, high fever, muscle aches, and chills. But coronavirus presents in so many different ways. The most common symptoms we’ve seen are fever, cough, and shortness of breath. We’ve heard about people losing their sense of taste or their sense of smell. We’ve never heard of that with the flu. But with the flu, you may not have a cough or be short of breath or having, you may not have difficulty breathing. But you may have fever. So that might be the most common symptom between flu and coronavirus,” Fitzpatrick wrote.
Because some of the symptoms of flu, COVID-19, and other respiratory illnesses are similar, the differences between them cannot be made based on symptoms alone. Testing is needed to tell what the illness is and to confirm a diagnosis.
Pre-nursing student Kayla Moore says she had symptoms of a common cold but when she went to get tested, it turned out to be COVID-19.
“When I was sick early in the month of October, I experienced a sore throat and a cough, so naturally I thought I had a common cold.” She added, “After a couple of days I started to feel worse and knew I needed to go to get tested and sure enough I tested positive for COVID.”
Make sure you bundle up, take necessary precautions, and stay safe this fall. Because guess what comes next — winter.