Historically Black Colleges and Universities are unnoticed when it comes to recruitment. It is imperative that HBCU students get a fair chance in the workforce, especially being that companies are always looking to diversify.
Delores Dean, the career center’s director, does her best to make sure Florida A&M University students are not passed over.
“A lot of the companies come on campus and they say they are looking for minorities, and then I ask them where have they visit and they name all the European, or the other institutions, and very few or one or two HBCUs,” Dean said. “If they are looking for minorities, and hiring for diversity, they need to come to HBCUs to recruit students.”
The career center uses the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE), and some of the Chambers of Commerce addresses database to get contacts to bring to FAMU for recruitment purposes, so they can be involved and participate in the Career Fair held on Florida A&M University’s campus.
Macy’s merchant population recruiter, Chris Kalloo, agrees that HBCUs goes unnoticed, stating that it is important to recruit and partner with HBCUs, because it offers a diversified pool of top talent.
“I definitely think that that’s an issue. You know there is a negative stigma around HBCUs,” Kalloo said. “I like to think that it is getting better as corporations understand that hey, these are solid candidates.”
This past summer was the last summer that Price Waterhouse Coopers LLC. recruited directly from FAMU.
PwC is one of the top accounting firms in the nation, partnerships like this one are important to get FAMU students noticed by Fortune 500 companies.
Beth Parker, public relations director for PwC, explained that even though they are no longer recruiting at FAMU, they will continue to review FAMU graduates as future employers.
“PwC is continuously evaluating its college and university recruiting process. That process is adjusted regularly to ensure the best possible experience for the company and our applicants,” Parker said. “While we no longer formally recruit at FAMU, we are accepting and evaluating submissions from FAMU candidates for roles within the firm."
Erica Thomas, a business and administration alumna, was one of the last recruits at PwC, and expressed that if FAMU students want to remain on companies radar, they have to perform to their best abilities.
“Students have to up their game, and alumni have to do their part in proving that FAMU does produce good quality students,” Thomas said. “It has to go hand-in-hand.”
Thomas has accepted a job offer at PwC and believes that if she does her part as an employer, along with the other FAMU alumni, companies will continue to recruit at FAMU.
Kalloo has definitely noticed that Macy’s partnership with FAMU has brought change to the company.
“A few years ago we only had one or two FAMU alumni in the company, and though we are only up to 10 we are really working to grow that number,” Kalloo said. “We want to create that FAMU community and HBCU community at Macy’s.”
Dean, stated she will continue to work to make sure FAMU students are recruited and employed.
“The myths are not true,” Dean expressed. “You get the right student for the right job, and they are going to do a great job for you.”
To see all that the Career Center provides for students and employers visit www.CareerCenter.famu.edu.