s the 2011 football season is approaching it will be the start of Kevin Elliott’s last season, as a rattler, in which he looks forward to end with a bang.
Since being redshirted his first year, Elliott has been the starting wide-receiver for the Rattlers. As a football player, Elliott has learned plenty of life lessons and has accomplished numerous amounts of goals.
This upcoming season Elliot hopes the team goes undefeated. He also, wants to be chosen as an All-American and those are just some of his goals for the season.
He started getting involved with the sport because he was an active young boy.
“I was always active when I was younger,” Elliott said. “I was always trying to get into stuff and my mom saw that as the opportunity to make use of my abilities, and turned it into something positive.”
Through playing football Elliott said he credits football for teaching him various qualities that makes him the person he is.
“It teaches you leadership skills, teamwork, and builds great bonds with people,” Elliott said.
Although he knows hard work pays off, he thinks that the most difficult aspect to the sport is the pain.
“The pain at the moment is the work outs or getting hurt on the field, but in the end it all pays off. I will see why it’s worth it,” said Elliott.
Through football he’s learned life lessons and considers himself a student of the sport.
“I became a better student of the game,” Elliot said. “I know and can predict what’s supposed to happen on the field. It makes me play faster and to the ability that I’m playing at now.”
Given the nickname “sticky icky” in high school referring to his capabilities to catch the ball, makes up for the skills he lacks. “My weakness is my speed, but I make it up with my hands and other athletic ability,” said Elliott.
Being such a family oriented man, he tries to set an example for his younger sibling’s; they’re his motivation.
“My family is my fuel and fire,” said Elliott. “My younger brother is a senior this year that’s driving me more,” Elliott said.
If he doesn’t make it to the NFL he has a backup plan.
“If I don’t make it to the next level I plan to open my own neighborhood center, so I can interact with children and get them off the streets and into sports then college,” said Elliott.