

Hemp Hemp Hooray!

New Jersey legislators passed a law to legalize marijuana this past Monday. As the 14th state to legalize hemp, New Jersey will also have the strictest laws for patients. Unlike other states, patients will not be able to grow their own pot. Nor will residents be able to use it […]


Where do We go from Here?

We grew up together. Our mothers were line sisters in college so I guess that made him my play brother. He grew up in a two-parent household for most of his formative years. He was the fastest (only black) kid on his soccer team, a member of the Beta Club […]


The price of a brand new smile

President James Ammons’ proposal to build a School of Dentistry at FAMU, is a great idea-even if the timing is off given the state’s economic condition.    If the Florida Board of Governors does not recognize any of FAMU’s other attributes, they cannot deny that the school trains competent health professionals. […]


Woods needs a do over

Tiger Woods seemed to have it all: a successful career with sponsors and endorsements, a Swedish wife, two children, and a reported eleven mistresses. Many have been trying to understand what went wrong, and why it is taking so long for him to make a public statement. True enough Woods […]


Water scarcity a major issue

A recent report on CBS News with Katie Couric highlights America’s dwindling water supply. According to the report, Americans use more than 150 gallons of water by the time they turn in for bed each night. That is more per day than people in any other nation on the globe. […]


FAMU’s Top Ten

1. Lose Some Weight: This goal usually withstands the tests of January and February. But by the end of March, you will likely reschedule your workout regiment to start this summer. 2. Being a nicer person: You are a warm jovial person all year long-until about 7 a.m. […]


Vixen’s “African-American Studies” book insulting

Looking for soft porn? Want to catch a glimpse of the hottest booty in hip-hop? Well stop by Border’s Bookstore and visit the African-American Studies section. Yes that’s right, the section that features books about famed black trailblazers such as W.E.B. DuBois, Marcus Garvey and President Barack Obama, also […]


Longtime editor says farewell

Getting ready for college was one of the most unnerving ordeals I’ve ever had to go through. I didn’t know what to expect and aside from school Web sites, brochures and a few virtual tours, I relied mostly on recruiters to help shape my perception and stance on college. They […]


Social networking sites hinder people skills

Social networks will be the fall of man. No, not really. But they are creating a generation of people void of social skills. These online communities that allow you to connect with virtually anyone, have thrown a curve ball at traditional methods of socializing. Friend, a word that used to […]