The melodic art of music has united and divided people for centuries. Whether it be genre versus genre or artist versus artist, music lovers everywhere will go to war for music that they grew up with, rappers from their hometown and songs that brought them out of dark places. An […]
Author: Pam Rentz | Online Editor
‘Pick me, choose me, love me’
The term “pick-me” refers to females who go out of their way to impress guys and try to appear different from other females. Some believe it is a result of internalized misogyny. It’s no surprise some find pick-me female’s antics annoying after too many interactions with them. The common characteristic […]
To bear, or not to bear
Thirty-one percent of the world’s mass shooters are American citizens. Yet, America is home to only 5% of the world’s population. The mass shootings at Columbine High School, Sandy Hook Elementary School, Marjory Stoneman Douglass High School, and earlier this week at Oxford High School outside Detroit, have altered the […]