Author: Jermaine Kershner | Staff Reporter


Paddyfoote resident copes with mildew and mold

Mold found in a Paddyfoote dorm room. Photo submitted by Jermaine Kershner Nubia Campbell, a sophomore animal science major at Florida A&M University, has voiced multiple complaints concerning mold in her Paddyfote dorm room. Mold issues have been a huge problem in dorms across Florida A&M University, according to many […]


Parking woes mount as more lots are closed

FAMU students are wary of being ticketed after they can't find a legal place to park. Jermaine Kershner | The Famuan If you asked the question, how is parking at Florida A&M University, you may get an answer filled with frustration. As the new fall semester starts and students, professors, staff […]


Set Friday back in full swing

When you think of the word “tradition,” what comes to mind? Family, spirit and maybe even fun. Well, when you step foot on Florida A&M University a part of the tradition you may hear about is “Set Friday,” overseen by the Office of Student Activities. This social event takes […]