The Florida A&M University 54th Student Senate met on Monday to finalize four bills, hear a new bill, and discuss the Spring 2025 Election Schedule.
During the executive branch report, Student Body President Loryn May announced the launch of the May-Williams Association HBCU-led California Support Initiative. President May confirmed five HBCUs that FAMU will work with to provide support and relief for the victims of the California Wildfires.
During old business, four bills were revisited.
The first bill revisited was a senate appropriation bill written by Operations and Finance Committee Chairman Jonathan McClover. This bill aims to financially assist the FAMU Club Baseball Team, which requested $28,621 to travel and compete in games. The Senate passed the bill unanimously.
The second bill revisited was another senate appropriation bill by Chairman McClover. It seeks $14,855 to assist the FAMU Chapter of The Minority Association of Premedical Students (MAPS) in sending 11 members to the Student National Medical Association’s Annual Medical Education Conference.
Senators debated prioritizing classifications for funding but concluded all premedical students should benefit due to the program’s demanding nature.
“It’s not just [about] being able to matriculate into medical school. It’s [about] being able to get those opportunities we otherwise wouldn’t be able to have here,” MAPS President Reyna Hobson said. “Attending this conference early allows students to build connections with medical institutions or gain research and internship opportunities.”
The bill passed unanimously.
A proposed amendment to the student elections code, titled “GPA Equality,” was met with some opposition from the Senate.
Authored by Senate Pro-Tempore Treyvious Copeland, Senate Secretary Alejandra Jimenez, and Senior Senator Tiffany Daniels, the bill sought to lower the GPA requirement for the leadership positions of Mister and Miss Flordia A&M University and Student Body President and Vice President from 3.0 to 2.5.
A pro-con debate was held between the senators to determine whether this bill would benefit or compromise the student body.
“I urge the Senate to vote against the bill because [this bill would] lower the standard of the most prominent leadership positions on campus.” Senator Larry Lafrance said.
“I urge the Senate to vote in favor of this bill because being that this is the minimum requirement, keeping things on an even playing field will allow for the success of the student body.” Pro Tempore Copeland said.
The amendment was rejected with 8 votes in favor and 10 votes against.
The final bill revisited, titled “FAMU Student Classification,” was written by Sophomore Senator Joseph Stucky and Chairman McClover. It aims to clarify the student body constitution’s qualifications for leadership roles, addressing ambiguity for students entering FAMU with associate’s degrees or college credits. The bill was accepted and will move forward.
A new bill titled “Golf Carts Funding,” also authored by Chairman McClover, requests $30,000 for University Joint Operations to purchase new golf carts. McClover explained that Florida A&M faces challenges executing events such as Homecoming and Be Out Day due to an aging fleet of golf carts. The bill is on first reading and will proceed to committee.
Two referendums were added to the Spring election ballot: “Would you like to see Misters added to each classification for the Royal Court?” and “Are you currently satisfied with your overall experience at Florida A&M University?”
At the close of the meeting, the Electoral Commission presented a proposed schedule for the Spring 2025 Election Season. The Senate will hold a special meeting to vote on the schedule before the holiday break.