Student Senate passes old bills

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The Florida A&M University 54th Student Senate met on Monday to continue the review of  three bills as well as to review two new bills for the first time.

On Sunday, the Student Senate advertised four vacant positions within the Organization and Finance Committee available to freshman, sophomore, senior, and graduate students. It was also advertised on Monday that there are three graduate senator positions available.


During committee reports, Activity & Service (A&S) Fee Liaison Connor Cooper made a motion to keep five percent of Campus Activity Board (CAB) and the Efferson Student Union (ESUA)’s allocated funding due to a lack of correctly completing their monthly financial reports.


During the 53rd Student Senate, Liaison Cooper and Vice Chair Jonathan McClover passed a bill stating that if any campus agency does not do their due diligence regarding A&S reports, their accounts will be frozen and the A&S committee will have 10 days to conduct an investigation. If the agency has still not submitted their report, the Senate will keep five percent of the allocated budget.


With this, $462.40 from CAB’s budget and $34,803.90 from ESUA’s budget will be kept by the Student Senate and the Senate can use this funding to assist registered student organizations that need financial support.


During the lobbying and speaker’s forum, fourth-year public relations student Hafiz Longe proposed an idea for a Pinning Ceremony for transfer students beginning in the Fall of 2025. In the fall of each academic school year, there is a Freshman Pinning Ceremony to welcome all first-year students, however, the only event welcoming transfer students is a brief orientation.


Longe expressed that while FAMU admits around 300 transfer students in the spring, almost 2,000 Transfer Students are admitted each fall and look forward to opportunities to get settled and involved on campus.


“I believe all first year students should have a celebratory ceremony just for coming to FAMU, [especially because] transfer students have a profound impact on this campus.” Longe said. 


This event will also allow incoming transfer students to network with already established transfer students by way of a clubs and organizations fair. The event is still in the planning stages and more details are to come.


During old business, three bills were revisited.


The first bill revisited was titled “Transparency Regarding Legislation” written by Senate Protempore Treyvious Copeland, and Senator Jeremiah Martin. This bill aims to provide more accessible ways for the student body to view Senate legislation by requiring the Senate President to make it available via Senate social media platforms. This bill was passed and will be implemented as a procedure.


The second and third bills included “Campus Security Improvement” and “SGA Sponsors More Health and Wellness Initiatives.”passed, earning unanimous votes within the Senate. 


The first new bill titled, “Senate Brings Awareness to Academic Advisement,” was created by Senator Kobe Buggs, Senator Tron Jones and Senator Essence Gilbert. This resolution bill aims to conduct a survey of the student body regarding the current experience with academic advising and to advocate to the FAMU Board of Trustees and the Title IX office to find more funding for academic advisors.


The second new bill titled, “Self Defense and Safety Resources Week,” was created by Senator Adora Barnes and Senate President Zayla Bryant. This aims to urge the Student Welfare department of the Executive Branch of SGA to hold an awareness week in partnership with CAB, FAMU PD, and Title IX. This would include self defense classes, and awareness of safety resources available on campus. 


The senate will have one final meeting this semester on Monday, Dec. 2nd.