Jaylen English works full-time while taking 6 classes

Photo of Jaylen English courtesy: English

Imagine this, having five classes and working 40 to 50 hours a week.

Sounds like a lot, right? For some college students, this is how they live every day. There are students who pay their bills, gas, and rent this way — and it can be overwhelming at times.

Jaylen English, a fourth-year business administration major at Florida A&M from Tampa, is one student who lives his life this way.

“Balancing work and school can be challenging, especially with a strict job and a full-time student schedule,” English said.

He works at Amazon while taking six classes.

“Due to my job having a high clearance, I am unable to bring my personal electronics to work, having to work a 10-hour shift four days a week. It’s forced that all my assignments have to be completed before leaving,” English said.

According to Zipdo.com, 43% of full-time college students are employed while attending school. That is almost half of the college students across the country.

 English said he tries to make as much time available out of work for himself.  “I try to make time for myself during my three days off by blocking out my schedule or just simply resetting before the next scheduled school class,” English said.

Mental health is also important when it comes to students who work and are in school. According to psychiatry.org, 60% of college students reported experiencing one or more mental health challenges in 2021.

There are many college students who struggle with mental health from classes alone, so adding a full-time work schedule can be very straining for almost anyone.

 Some believe that employers should allow their workers to take mental health days because you never know what that person may be going through, or why they are acting the way they are.

According to Coastreportonline.com, stress, burnout, anxiety, and depression, among other mental health issues, are common in the student community, due to the difficulty of balancing school, a job, and time for themselves.

If you are working a full-time job while you are a full-time student, make sure to prioritize your time. Making a schedule of everything that you have to do is a good start, as well as making sure that you are communicating with your professors as well. For more information, go to https://mhanational.org