Market Monday set to return

Photo courtesy: Official Market Monday Flyer from FAMU_ESUA

Florida A&M University is set to welcome the return of Market Monday on Oct, 23 at the center of the campus, the quad.

The event brings together students, faculty, staff and local vendors to create a dynamic marketplace on campus.

This is where people can purchase things from handmade crafts to clothing, jewelry, artwork and even tasty foods.

Market Monday is an excellent opportunity for students to get the proper exposure they may need for their businesses.

Students and local businesses can participate. Vendors around Tallahassee can offer and sell their products and services on the campus.

Anthony Quinton, a FAMU student, is eager for the return of Market Monday.

“I cannot wait. I love this because I buy some of the most amazing graphic tees from this one guy I know who sells them. The guy makes them and sells the shirts for a good price,” Quinton said.

FAMU students often showcase their entrepreneurial spirit by becoming vendors and selling handmade things and clothes. It builds a fan base and clientele as they sit on the quad for a few hours selling their merch.

Market Monday symbolizes the spirit of diversity and inclusivity that defines the FAMU campus. When Market Monday is at its finest, it is more than just a marketplace.

This is where the FAMU community gathers to connect, socialize and build from one another.

Olivia Days, a FAMU student, is also excited for the return of Market Monday.

“The fact that Market Monday is back on the first day of homecoming makes it much sweeter. I bet all the good vendors will sell the best FAMU gear,” Days said.

“I went last year and bought three shirts and spent no more than $50 total.”

In order to reserve a spot on the quad, vendors must use the QR code on the FAMU_ESUA (Efferson et al. & Act) Instagram page that will direct them to Eventbrite and secure a spot while they are limited.

Jeremey Williams, a  FAMU student, hopes to be selling his merchandise.

“I sell vintage FAMU gear that people may want to wear during homecoming. Come check me out. I do not over-price either. I have all the latest, coolest FAMU toughest gear. Hope to see everyone out there,” Williams said.

As Market Monday makes its triumphant comeback on October 23, it is a focal point for supporting different student businesses on campus.

If you want more information about this event, visit and direct message the FAMU ESUA Instagram page.