Spring sickness has arisen on Florida A&M University‘s campus since spring break.
Students have been complaining of flu-like symptoms such as sore throat, fever, body aches and chills.
Often, once students are tested they are quickly surprised with a positive COVID-19 test.
During the pandemic students were able to take virtual classes in order to keep the sickness from speaking. When students started taking in person classes it was highly recommended by Student Health Services for students to continue social distance and wear a mask to class. This allowed students to socialize and learn on campus without spreading the virus.
Spring break is a week that students look forward to.
It allows students to relax and rejuvenate after their midterm exams are completed.
Two years ago most colleges canceled spring break to keep the virus from spreading. This year was the first “normal” spring break that Florida has had with minimal restrictions. Students were able to travel and enjoy their break. Nevertheless, some students came back from the break feeling ill. Students were in contact with many people from different places and without using proper precautions.
COVID-19 is a sickness where a person doesn’t show severe symptoms until days after they come into contact with someone that has it. As a result they end up getting sick.
Machía Sanders is a student leader at FAMU, determined to protect the campus by bringing awareness to prevent the spread of the virus.
“I think that sickness spreads on our campus from having an influx of people from out of town come around the same time throughout the entire city. There was much to celebrate in the spring, but I think we forgot to be careful while celebrating. I think for prevention we should make sure that we’re monitoring our health at all times, and to quarantine properly if you get sick,” said Sanders.
Tanya Tatum, director of Student Health Services, has spoken to The Famuan and is well aware of the recent spike in new cases.
“We have seen a very quick spike in COVID-19 cases on campus. We typically expect this a few weeks after students leave campus to go home or vacation during breaks,” Tatum said. “This is about the period and time for cases to start and show up.”
Students have continued to get tested for COVID-19 and the flu through the
Nomi Health at Testing Site located at 2507 Wahnish Way. You are able to register online and you will receive a QR code, which would be used for subsequent visits.
The FAMU vaccination site is open from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Saturday. The testing site also offers vaccines as well.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention suggests isolating and staying home if you are feeling sick. Always monitor your symptoms.
It is important to test and treat your symptoms early. Citizens must wear a mask to prevent the spread.
It is important that students follow the proper FAMU and CDC guidelines in order to prevent the spread of the virus.