From the moment a freshman steps foot on campus they look forward to their next four years of
memories, obstacles and lessons. College is the time for students to step outside of their
comfort zone, and attending a historically black college offers an amazing traditional experience.
Freshman year is the time to learn about yourself and your skills. Senior year seems far away
but students are encouraged to take advantage of the opportunities that the university has to
offer, instead of waiting until the last minute.
Although, how can one find what they are interested in? While this question might seem simple
to some, others are unfamiliar with the first steps to joining an organization.
According to the Florida A&M University website, there are over 300 registered student
organizations on campus.
Antonia Parrish, a freshman at FAMU, is aware of the opportunities provided on campus and
visions a future in participating.
“The clubs seem really presentable and tight within their work that they do for the campus,”
Parrish said. “They are always involved on campus, which is something I eventually see myself
Concerns on how to express interest in organizations result in students developing the lack of
desire. Students must understand that times have changed, and regulations have been made to
ensure the safety of students.
Devin Nobles, president of the Godfather chapter of Progressive Black Men, Incorporated,
encourages freshmen who are interested to ignore what they have heard and to go for what
they want.
“What people have to say doesn’t matter,” Nobles said. “We handle the negative by not handling
it. We (P.B.M) know the values that we stand upon and exemplify.”
Jasmine Butler, President of the FAMU Chapter of the National Association of Black Journalists,
addresses the misconceptions of FAMU clubs.
“Some think that there’s this process for every organization that you join, and that’s not true,”
Butler said. “During my time at FAMU, I learned that you just have to put your best foot forward
in such a welcoming environment.”
The reward that comes from being in an organization is broader than just having a long resume,
but the experience that you gained within the time that you were active is what makes these
opportunities valuable.
Aside from your major, the meaningful people that you meet can help you in the future. Your
career does not define you but finding your passion and the right people can help to figure out
your purpose.