Florida A&M University announced in May 2022 that a portion of Wahnish Way would be
closed due to safety concerns. There was also the construction of the Will Packer Amphitheater
during that time, as well as the establishment of the COVID-19 testing and vaccination center
located on Wahnish Way. The gates remained on Wahnish Way until now.
Since then, students have complained about the purpose of the gate in the first place, which has
slowed them down and prevented them from getting to classes or other events on time.
Darryll Lewis, a fourth-year public relations major here at FAMU, expresses his gratitude for the
removal of the gates.
“I’m glad they removed the gates because they created more traffic on Wahnish Way and were
an eyesore on the campus.”
In a previous report, “What the new security gates mean for Wahnish Way,” by the Famuan,
Chief of Police, Terence M. Calloway, who serves as the Florida A&M University Assistant
Vice President for Campus Safety and Service, stated that the gates would not come down
permanently until 2023.
Wahnish Way is the central road on campus, leading to Bragg stadium, financial aid and the
CASS building to name a few. The gate being in place intensified the large gathering of students
walking to class.
Jefferson Walker, a three-year public relations major at Florida A&M University, attended the
Student Government Associations meeting when the idea of removing the security gate was
discussed. In addition, security gates were discussed and when they could be put back up after
the parade on Wahnish Way.
“It was discussed at the SGA meeting. We haven’t discussed putting it back yet,” said Walker.
“They removed them so the parade floats can get through and other wide load vehicles.”
It is unclear if the security gates on Wahnish Way prevented car accidents and injuries on that
road. However, taking the gate down for a period of time may result in more cars traveling down
this street. The influx of students walking down that street may cause tension between drivers.
Before crossing the street, students should keep an eye out for cars passing by and look both
ways before crossing the street.