As the fall semester dawns and students begin to settle into their classes, they may find that it’s more than just Florida A&M University professors welcoming them back with a smile.
A new initiative by the Department of Campus Safety and Security has produced dozens of signs on campus in an effort to remind students and faculty alike of the 24-hour surveillance taking place with cameras on site.
The signs themselves have become a more physical reminder of campus security’s presence and reinforce the more than 15,00 cameras in use covering Perry Street, Orange Avenue, FAMU Way and Adams Street.
Terence Calloway, Assistant VP for Campus Safety and chief of the Police Department, credits the use of cameras with being the primary deterrent to most criminal activity that might occurs on or near campus.
“The ability to see most of campus through cameras allows us to see places we can’t physically put an officer,” Calloway said. “We have 1,532 cameras alongside our officers who are out on patrol, so it helps to have someone monitoring those 24/7 to relay that information should something happen.”
Surveillance signs are the latest in security enhancements following the installation of security gates on Wahnish Way as the university continues to enhance current safety measures.
Installation of the signs appears near campus entrances at each college and school on campus along with facilities such as the Center for Access and Student Success are displayed throughout areas of high traffic on campus.
Wakeelah Falden, executive assistant to Chief Calloway, acknowledged the recent interest in placing signs across campus and dispelled the idea of more than signs being new to campus.
“The cameras add an additional level of security to our campus community,” Falden said. “Only the signs pertaining to them are new which helps to increase the awareness of their presence on campus.”
Increasing signage on campus is another way Calloway plans to further strengthen the relationship between students and the Campus Safety and Security Department by establishing a close presence and encouraging students to reach out should they feel the need.
“We are always asking students to report any activity they feel is unsafe and make use of us as we’re here to help,” Calloway said.
Students can contact FAMU Department of Campus Safety and Security by dialing “3526” on any campus extension or the direct line at (850) 599-3526.