You could say that Ka’milah Ledgester is on target. Or, more accurately, Ledgester is in Target.
The Florida A&M University student’s artwork is now aon display in one of the country’s largest and most recognized brands: Target.
Ledgester, a fourth-year graphic design major, was one of three top winners of Target’s Historically Black College/University Black History Month Challenge.
The challenge invited HBCU students to design artwork and graphics for a T-shirt for Target’s 2022 Black History Month Campaign. Legester’s design –submitted last spring – is being featured in this year’s collection.
“From this opportunity I have already come into such wisdom and guidance that I only have faith to amplify,” Ledgester told The Famuan. “This does not feel like a walk-away moment. It’s more of a gaining moment to be present for.”
As an unexpected top three winner, Ledgester shared how this opportunity has allowed her to recenter her focus and thoughts. With the reminder that she’s not a robot, she’s actually living.
“My footsteps cannot be relocated, but they are capable of opening doors for those who choose to be inspired,” Ledgster said. “Encouraging those to climb a height that I am still reaching. The plan is to continue building upon something much more than myself, while remaining strategic with the things I plan next.”

As part of her success, Ledgester received a new laptop, a cash prize of $3,000, an UX Boot Camp Course and Snapchat’s Spectacles Augmented Reality Glasses.
Anosh Gill, director of FAMU’s graphic design division, is proud of his student’s achievement.
“I normally give my students examples of what good work is,” Gill said. “Based on requirements and opportunities like Target’s design challenge, I also give my students ideas and concepts to help them think and dig deeper within their art.”
“And then there’s always one or a few students to typically give what Ka’milah gave,” Gill added. “Whose work then becomes chosen for the production of professional penetration.”
Gill said that one of the biggest problems he struggles with in the classroom is when students lose faith in their abilities.
“One of the problems I have with students is when they judge themselves,” Gill said. “The best encouragement I give to my students is to participate and see what happens, because you might get the prize. Ka’milah did not expect that she was going to get that, but she felt inspired and she did just that.”
Gill said that the first step to inspire students is to have them believe in not only themselves, but the professor.
Target’s Black History Month campaign strives to attract everyday communities. It provides students with an opportunity for great exposure. It highlights their sense of creativity and original thinking. Ledgester’s design is now available in Target stores nationwide through the end of the month.