Seniya Anderson started The Crowne Factory in March of 2020. Anderson, a senior at Florida A&M University, has always loved everything that has to do with beauty, but she showed a special interest in hair.
She loved the uniqueness of Black hair and discovered she had a knack for doing hair. During the pandemic lockdown, Anderson decided to turn that knack into a business. She said she was nervous about doing others’ hair.
“I was hesitant about doing hair outside of my friends and family, but once I began and my business started flourishing it was something I fell in love with,” Anderson said.
Anderson originally named her business Crowned by Niya, but later decided to change it to The Crowne Factory. She said she wanted to make sure she kept “crown” in the name.
“It’s really a play on words because your head is your crown and we are all queens, a queen wears a crown,” Anderson said. “That’s why I really wanted to stay with the crown theme.”
She says the beauty of your hair signifies the beauty of a crown, and every queen needs a perfect crown.
The Crown Factory offers clients a variety of styles, from braids, twists and locs to wig installs and sew-ins. She even offers styles for men.
Skye-la Gustavus said she loved her hair.
“I got the 32-inch soft locs,” Gustavus said. “I loved it because it didn’t take too long and lasted a while.”
Although she owns a business, Anderson is a student first. She learned how to plan out her schedule for work and school on a daily basis. She also enforces a booking policy where her clients must book at least 24 hours in advance.
According to, the global natural hair care product market is an $8 billion industry and is expected to grow in the next six years. Anderson is aware of the growing growth of the natural hair care industry and said she plans to launch her own line soon.
“The need for effective, all natural hair care products is still on a rise,” Anderson said. “So, while I’m making your crown beautiful, I also want to make sure it’s healthy.”
Anderson is grateful for all of her clients. She said she would like to thank them all for their support.
“To everyone that has supported The Crowne Factory I want to thank you so much,” Anderson said. “To all my clients whether you’ve come once or 10 times it means the world to be able to do your hair and enhance your beauty through your crown.”
To find out more about The Crowne Factory, visit @thecrownefactory on Instagram. and click the link in the bio.