Getting started early on Christmas shopping

Start your gifting early this holiday season! Photo courtesy: Ben White

Shopping for Christmas gifts before December is like purchasing winter clothes in the summer. It saves time, money and the risk of something being out of stock.

This year, deals are starting earlier than Black Friday. Big name companies like Amazon are already experiencing a tremendous increase in packages following their September announcement about early holiday shopping deals available at, on the mobile app.

With the recent time change, employees reflect on their shifted work schedules that will have an impact on when packages will arrive at the customer’s doorstep.

“Daylight savings has shortened our delivery time because we cannot transport packages at night,” said Diavaunté Javad, an Amazon delivery driver. “The risk of robbery is high and we do not want to make any mistakes.”

Many people wonder why retail stores like Walmart, Target and Ross, start to fill their aisles with holiday decorations and necessities earlier and earlier each year. This method of marketing is based on data from past purchase trends and consumer demand.

Angela Hancock, a mother of two children, explained why it is important to get Christmas shopping done early.

“Buying gifts now allows me to shop stress free and miss the rush of other buyers,” Hancock said.

The hassle of shopping for gifts while also trying to spend as much quality time with family and friends during this season could get overwhelming.

People Magazine referenced a study conducted in 2020, on 2,000 Americans’ buying habits during the holidays. Research findings show that 51% tend to wait until the last minute to get presents. Out of the people who were polled 59% said that “shopping for the holidays has become more of a chore.”

Getting a present for someone should be meaningful. Most people can tell if a gesture was rushed or randomly put together.

Jacques Thomas, a former employee at Walgreens, experienced the holiday rush in 2020. He noticed how the people who wait to shop are the ones who take their frustration out on employees.

“Nobody likes the person that tells them that the store is out of something,” Thomas said. “No one likes long lines either. Walgreens extend their store hours to accommodate customers but there is only so much that can be done.”

Do not be the Grinch this season. Put that Santa hat on early and avoid being a part of huge crowds. There is nothing like having your shopping out of the way so the rest of your days can be spent with family and friends.