Dear old Paddyfoote, you were here, you were historic and now you’re gone. The 54-year-old college dormitory named after a second lieutenant in World War I is now being demolished. The historic Paddyfote complex that holds so many memories for Florida A&M University students will now be nothing but a memory. Plans for the space where the Paddyfoote complex lies are in discussion, but what do the students of FAMU want there?
Bobbi Pattaway, an Allied Health major, had quite a few suggestions for the illustrious FAMU.
“A new tech building for one, the tech building currently is a bit dated,” said Pattaway. “Also, since an old dorm was torn down, it only feels fair to replace it with a more up-to-date one or make the space more parking spaces.”
Parking spaces are in high demand at FAMU from students, instructors and administrators. The parking spaces and garages currently at FAMU are all usually completely filled by 9 a.m., adding another hurdle for students and instructors to be on time for class.
Shania Washington, an African American Studies major, stated “…parking spaces, we definitely need that.”
Although students’ opinions may vary, Florida A&M University has already made plans for Paddyfoote’s space.
Administration is set to present a new master plan for the Board of Trustees’ approval.
“Right now, the area will be used for parking until we can secure funding for new housing,” said William E. Hudson, Jr., Ph.D., vice president of Student Affairs.
This news is celebratory to hear for some students, while for others it may be bittersweet.
Christian Aristilde, a Criminal Justice major, said “Ain’t nothing can replace Paddyfoote. I’ll have to get back to you on that.”
Paddyfoote housed generations of Rattlers and in doing so, made an imprint on the lifestyle at FAMU. Simply saying the name of the complex garners smiles from students and alumni. Although Paddyfoote may be demolished, the memories will never be forgotten.
In the present day, students can look forward to utilizing the new parking spaces. Florida A&M University students can also look forward to making new memories in the new up-to-date housing where Paddyfoote lied.