Pre-pandemic, spring break would have been just around the corner. Typically, Rattlers would have the freedom to enjoy a week full of partying, attending brunches and beaching. However, this year is different.
This year, students at Florida A&M University don’t have the option of enjoying the Florida waters or practicing self-care during the week-long recess in March. Instead, they must push through the virtual semester – with no break.
In December 2020, colleges and universities across the nation announced that there would not be a break during the spring semester in 2021. This month, FAMU students are expressing their thoughts on the effectiveness of the cancellation.
“Realistically, I do think it was an effective decision to go ahead and cancel spring break, because it will prevent a lot of people from congregating and not adhering to CDC guidelines,” says Zachary Bell, a sophomore student. “However, I also think it could kind of increase the risk as well because students long for that break. So, I think that it will be really important for faculty and staff to encourage students to remain safe.”
Bell explained that this will be his second spring break where he will not be able to enjoy collaborative festivities, but he still stands by the intent of the decision since, “they’re doing this for our own good.”
Bell thinks the best thing for him to do is to just push all the way through the semester and reward himself at the end of the semester rather than stopping in the middle and distracting himself.
Ashley Laurent, a senior student, was baffled at the news that spring break was cancelled.
“I was just like, ‘so what we gonna do now?’” Laurent said. “Spring break is like that highlight of spring semester. Spring break may not mean anything to some people, but for others it means a lot.”
As many students usually do, Laurent was planning to visit her family that she hasn’t seen since March of last year, during spring break. Unfortunately, those plans have been cancelled.
Laurent questions the effectiveness of revoking spring break. Since parties are still occurring and students are still attending clubs, they are going to continue going out and doing what they want during spring break.
“The more they see other people going out on social media, the more they’re gonna feel bad for not going out,” Laurent said. “They’re gonna say, ‘they’re having so much fun and I’m stuck inside my room.’ So they’re gonna of course go.”
“Some students are gonna feel like they’re at their breaking point around that spring break time because they’ve already been quarantining enough and have not been experiencing school, or Tallahassee, or that college life,” Laurent added. “They’re gonna reach that breaking point and say ‘well you know what, I deserve a break, I’m gonna go take a risk.’”
Risk or no risk – spring break is unfortunately cancelled. The semester may seem extra dreadful now that there won’t be time for a vacation, but students will have to push through until April when they can finally close their laptops and relax.