How to get the most out of your day

Artwork by Amelia Giller

If your year has gone anything like mine, you might currently find yourself free falling down a bottomless pit of college burnout — no end in sight, just plummeting through a tunnel of indifference and lack of motivation with a lingering sense of urgency to complete your eight overdue assignments. 

However, the year is not over yet: there is still work to be done and not a lot of time to do it. There are a few things that can be done to help you overcome the burnout and maximize your 24 hours.

Get a head start

The path to making the most out of your day begins the night before. 

It is important to be intentional with your goals as with intention comes drive and direction. The night before your designated day of maximization, map out what you plan on getting done and when you plan on doing it. says that there is a “spatial connection between what you write and what you remember.” By writing down what needs to be accomplished for the day, you are essentially letting your brain know that this information is important, thus creating a mental bookmark for yourself. 

Tackle one task at a time

Sometimes when one has a lot to do at once, the natural response is to multitask. This strategy can leave you with half completed, half quality work. 

An article published by ThoughtCo delved into how well the brain can handle multitasking — the short answer being that it can’t — and explained that the brain cannot perform multiple “high-level functions” at the same time. What we know as “multitasking” is actually rapidly switching between tasks which can result in a loss of focus and delay of completion. 

In order to work as efficiently as possible, prioritize quality over quantity and complete one task at a time.  

Take breaks when needed 

While it may be easy to chug a gallon of iced coffee and work on assignments for five hours straight, you run the risk of not only crashing but also producing subpar work.

According to Psychology Today, taking breaks while working increases productivity, prevents “decision fatigue,” and restores motivation — among other benefits. Taking a walk, changing your work environment, and indulging in a snack are a few examples of ways to briefly step away from your work, recharge, and renew.

Take action

The hardest part of any goal is to actually get up and get started. You can read as many self-help articles as you want but it is up to you to then implement what you have learned and actually work toward making the most out of your day.

We all have the same 24 hours but what you do with yours is entirely up to — so why not make them great?