Aspiring entrepreneur Kiera Walker is a fourth-year general health science student at Florida A&M University who turned her battles into a success story.
Walker, 21 and a native of Orlando, was born on July 4, 1998, and is the oldest of three siblings. Growing up Walker felt cursed with extreme hormonal acne, bumps and dark spots. She tried many things to alleviate the problems, but no doctor or special creams seemed to work.
As Walker grew older, she began to do her own research with the hope of figuring out a solution to her never-ending struggle. Walker’s first bar was created using tumeric, charcoal and shea butter, which resulted in her skin clearing up in less than a week.
After seeing the results of her first bar, Walker had the idea of sharing her discovery with close family and friends, some of who were going through their own skin care problems. After releasing her product to a select few, and receiving great feedback, Walker decided to take things one step further, launching her business The Goddess Garden Co.
The Goddess Garden is an all-natural organic homemade skincare product for the face, body and vagina. Each bar of soap is hand-crafted, specializing in something different. Walker spends much of her time making sure she has the proper ingredients to insure the best results.
“As a full-time student and future holistic wellness instructor, I decided to make a business out of my passion,” Walker said. “The Goddess Garden Co. was created to provide men and women with all natural organic homemade skincare products.”
Ke’Arrah Washington is living proof that The Goddess Garden works wonders.

“I only trust The Goddess Garden and its all natural product for my most coveted areas. The aroma is to die for, my skin quality has improved, and I never feel anything less than refreshed and clean,” she said.
Walker says that she is her own inspiration and motivation, because her products were made as a result of her own issues that she overcame. “All products are handcrafted with quality, good energy, creativity and love,” she said.
Jada Love describes Walker as a hard worker who put her mind to her vision. “We started brainstorming ideas doing trial runs for a month before announcing anything. The Goddess Garden has personally helped me with getting rid of ingrown hairs, helping me feel refreshed,” she said.
Love says she would definitely recommend this business for anyone suffering from cystic acne to bacterial vaginosis.
The Goddess Garden Co. has sprouted since Walker launched her business, with customers coming back for more. Walker hopes to expand her brand as time goes on, and she is thankful to have had such a positive impact on so many others.