It can be inspiring. It can be off-putting. It is always daring.
“Voices heard, spoken word,” is what you hear the crowd chant as the event starts.
Tuesday was the 5th annual “Stroke My Mind” event put on by the Voices Poetry Group at FAMU.
Many performers popped up out of the crowd talking about love, sex and relationships in ways people can connect through poetry.
You hear a bunch of “mmmms” and “ooouus” from the crowd as performers say catchy phrases that those on hand in the Grand Ballroom couldrelate to.
Sam Gilkes, a member of Voices, talked about the event and why it’s so special.
“The goal is to try to connect FAMU’s student base on a similar need/want, while having an entertaining show during the month of love,” Gilkes said.
They not only had members of their organization perform but they had other organizations such as Boyz of Poison and Sinfonia showcase their talents.

Many students had good things to say about the show. Christian Outler said it wasn’t for timid folks, to be sure.
“The event was not what I expected it to be. I was surprised by the aggressive and vulgar language but was not displeased. I felt it added to the emphasis and importance of the event,” Outler said.
Charity Graham, a student at FAMU shared what she took away from this event.
“From this event, I took away the fact that everyone views love differently, and brings a different perspective,” Graham said.
This year’s theme was “Harlem Nights” and you could feel the mood as you walked in a dark room with people dressed as if they were in Harlem.
The poetry displayed is a way to show people really how unique it is and to help people understand it better.
This allows students to express themselves through words and get things off their minds or let go of things they may be going through.
“I think the event as a whole came together quite nicely. Again the experience was brought to life through their words and actions.” Outler said.
Some students said they look forward to coming every year and the crowd gets bigger each year.