Once again, the brothers of the Alpha Xi chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi fraternity were doing their part to impact the local community. Along with the Beta Alpha Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha sorority, they collected toys for Tallahassee children in need as well as children across Florida.
Rochard Moricette, the SGA president and member of Alpha Xi chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi, characterized the event as a massive success. Moricette was the mastermind behind the event as he had a personal connection to the meaning and how this outreach event could change the live of kids across Florida. As Moricette put it, there was a “truck load” of toys collected for the children of Florida.
Yesterday, in partnership with Florida A&M University President Dr. Larry Robinson’s Toy Drive, the brothers of Kappa Alpha Psi delivered that truck load of toys to impact more than just the Leon area.
“A lot of kids won’t be able to enjoy Christmas as much as others because they didn’t get toys. Me personally, I didn’t get toys growing up so in joint with AKA we felt it was a good joint effort to give to the community and Dr. Robinson’s toy drive,” said Moricette.
The brothers of Kappa Alpha Psi wanted students to feel comfortable in not only giving back to their communities but understanding that the students needed a safe and comfortable place to unwind. With help from

the sisters of Alpha Kappa Alpha they had fun, food, and all the entertainment students needed to release from the anxiety of a concluding semester.
Sophomore Business Administration major and Student Government Association A&S Liaison Joshua Clements felt this event was a stepping stone in not only bringing more organizations together but in branching out further in the community.
“My favorite part of the event was that they were interactive and that it was a family atmosphere. I hope there are more events like these because I’m all for giving back to those in need and in general doing a good deed,” said Clements.
This is not the first time this event has been done on campus. Kappa Alpha Psi put this event on a similar event during the 2017 holiday season and just like this year it was a massive success.
“A large variety of toys were donated. During he event there was a lot of positive energy and the people who donated wanted to truly help the cause,” said Senior Architecture major Robert Ratliff. “ I donated Hot Wheelz and footballs; things I enjoyed as a kid. It took me on a stroll down memory lane.”
The prospered but that is because despite the trial’s students go through during conclusion of a semester, It is a pleasant site to see young educated students giving back to their communities.