The Florida A&M University Student Government Association along with FAMU’s Police Department are working collectively to ensure students are safe while on campus.
Campus Safe Team, a program initiated by SGA, will be comprised of 10 FAMU students that will be trained and equipped to safely escort peers across campus during the evening hours.
“There will be a bridge of communication with the student body and the police department to make sure that their services are as efficient and as effective as possible.” said Rochard Moricette, FAMU’s Student Body President and Board of Trustee member.
This initiative has been implemented in years past and is now being revitalized after the 48th Student Senate funded the program in last year’s annual budget. The funds provide the means to purchase golf carts along with vehicles provided by FAMU PD for transportation and other necessary equipment.
“I think the Campus Safe Team is a vital part of helping keep our students safe, giving the opportunity to deter some of the robberies that could take place, abductions that could take place and sexual assault that could take place.” said Terence M. Calloway, FAMU’s VP of Safety and Chief of Police.
“We hope to see a reduction in crime, a boost in morale, a boost in safety awareness, greater collaboration for our students and an overall better experience.”
The Campus Safe Team provides students with a voice to be heard, stability, convenience and a heightened sense of security while on campus.
“I love the idea for this program. As a student who often stays late in the library, I would definitely utilize this program for a greater sense of protection, especially with the rise of abductions as of recently.” said Arionne Keaton, a third year, Doctor of Pharmacy candidate.
The program is currently in the selection process reviewing over eighty applicants who will soon be interviewed and selected to implement the program within the coming weeks.