Winter is coming, and that means silk press season and the season for protective styles.
“It’s a perfect storm of bad conditions. Wind and harsh cold air suck moisture out of your hair, and cause tangles. But once you’re inside, the heated air is so dry, your office can be almost as bad as sitting under a blow dryer,” writes
While it is still a little warm outside, now is the perfect time to create your new cold weather hair regimen to find what works best for you.
But, for those who like minimal maintenance protective styles, here are some winter hair care hacks for naturals:
- No More Wash & go.
It is way too cold to go outside with wet hair. It won’t dry, products cannot penetrate hair strands, and it will make you sick. Water-based products in cold weather can make hair dry and brittle, so it is best not to use shampoo either. Instead, drink more water and switch up your diet to maintain moisture. Try co-washing, and if that doesn’t work for your hair at a least moisturizing clarifier.
- Deep condition your hair, especially with heat.
After the cleansing process, a heavy conditioner is necessary, while adding heat to your routine. This is the time to invest in a sit-under dryer or a Hot Head heating cap. Cover the hair in a plastic or recycle an old grocery bag and apply heat for at least 20 minutes.
- Incorporate heavier creams and oils in your everyday care.
Stick to products that are high in vitamins and proteins and made with quality natural ingredients that are safe to apply every day. Healthy hair is good hair.
- Keep your hair in protective styles and take extra care of your ends.
This is your opportunity to get creative, so look up styles to try on Pinterest. Protective styles cut down the manipulation to your hair, which will prevent breakage, and they tuck ends and strands safely out of the way of wind and cold air. Twists and braids last a while – not forever – with the proper care, so wear your bonnet or use a silk pillowcase at night to keep them looking fresh.
- Stay away from clothing that snags your hair.
Cotton and wool keep you warm, but they cause frizz, split ends, soak up moisture and dries out hair faster. There is no point in adding products to your hair for them to just be wiped off when you put on a jacket. This year ask for a satin lined hoodie for Christmas to save your hair from the harsh conditions.
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