Directed by Deon Taylor and produced by Sean Sorensen and Roxanne Avent, the $12 million budgeted “Black and Blue” was released Oct. 25. It is about a rookie policewoman who transferred to New Orleans and when she is taken on a ride along, she’s told to stay in the car but, gets out when she hears multiple gun shots coming from an abandoned warehouse. She is determined to take a look at what was going on only to find herself witnessing some police shooting a young drug dealer and capturing it all on her body cam.
She then got together with an old friend, to help her turn in the video to expose the cops who did the shooting.
This is a great movie for everyone, especially with so much police brutality going on all over the nation.
The movie shows the two sides of how the African-American society views police officers and, how unsafe they have been feeling around police and how police officers —black and white — view African Americans as well.
“Black and Blue” depicts such a raw and uncut view of what is really going on in today’s society that R&B singer Tyrese revealed to his fans that he believes that his new movie, “Black and Blue,” has been banned from select movie theaters across the country. According to the actor also said that they have now banned the movie from certain chains, and that when you swipe to pay for the movie ticket it swaps your payment for a different movie that the theater is showing instead of “Black and Blue.” According to the movies delivers a very powerful and important message. I strongly encourage everyone to go see it while they can. It is really an eye-opener to the things that are going on among us in today’s society.
We see so many videos of one-sided police brutality incidents and, so many people have been harmed and still haven’t received the proper justice they’re deserved. This movie gives so much insight to what really goes on with the body cameras officers are wearing.
It is important for we as the people of the nation to feel safe, and feel that the law enforcement is on our side. But sadly enough, things aren’t always how they should be.
“Black and Blue” is now showing at all theaters in Tallahassee.