Photo by Dynasty Williams
FAMU has recently implemented new safety crosswalk measures around its campus. It includes three vertical oranges poles and a reflective, rectangular stop sign. However, the latest safety measures haven’t been given the positive responses they were expected to have.
Many students, including myself, don’t think they will help or are even useful to FAMU’s pedestrian population. However, some students think otherwise.
Oliva Howard, an occupational therapy student, said, “They make drivers more aware of where crosswalks are located and gives them stopping points to prevent getting to close to the actual crosswalk or potential pedestrians.”
Some students think the crosswalks are more beneficial to drivers because, without them, there are only signs on either side of the street. Having the bars and sign in the middle of the road allows for the crosswalks to be more apparent from further away, than only seeing its location close up.
“I personally feel that the items added to the crosswalk really add to the safety of crossing the street significantly. I’m glad they added them,“ said Delon Elom, a second-year Doctor of Pharmacy candidate from FAMU College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences.
Although regardless of whether there are new safety measures or not, drivers need to make sure they pay attention and make sure to avoid distracted driving. Drivers should also be sure to stop when anticipating pedestrians crossing, instead of speeding up.
Pedestrians also need to make sure they pay attention when crossing the street. They need to understand when you’re on your phone or have headphones in, which impairs your vision and hearing.
According to Ringstad Law Office, the addition of cell phones has brought even more attention to car accidents within the college-age group.
“Distracted driving accidents accounted for over 3,300 death in 2012,” said the law office. Continuing, “There are also many cases where the driver(s) weren’t specifically distracted by phones, but simply were not paying attention to the road. Obviously this is dangerous for everyone on the road, but especially concerning on campus where most people are walking.”
It’s important to remember to practice all safety precautions when crossing the street or driving, which on FAMU’s campus means using the new crosswalk safety equipment.