Words convey a message that can be interpreted in either a positive or negative manner. Words people choose to communicate with come with energy and power that can impact lives.
President Donald Trump, for example, is continuously under fire for a lack of care for his choice of words.
“Before speaking take a few moments to digest what you will say and how you will say it,” junior criminal justice major Myles Jackson said. “I carefully pick my words and consider the impact it will have on the listener.”
Jackson often listens to motivational speeches posted on YouTube to remain in good spirts. He hunts down speeches from public figures such as Denzel Washington, Will Smith and Tyler Perry for their use of positive words.
Words can carry enormous weight. They often impact people in forms that could either inspire or discourage an individual. A positive word is marked by an indication of approval or affirmation.
“I talked with dad over the phone and his words provided grace,” freshman computer information systems major Danny Perez said. “They were just the right words to build up my confidence.”
Perez recently failed an exam he studied extremely hard for. His low score deprived his confidence as some classmates performed better than him. He uses those kind words from his father to fuel his ambition for performing well on his next exam.
Negative words are marked by an indication of negation or lack of positive qualities. The choice of a bad word can affect a person’s entire day.
“I applied for a job that kindly told me I did not qualify,” sophomore nursing majorRose Lewis said. “It’s unfortunate I did not get the position but I’m glad they reached out and let me know.”
Lewis had applied for a job position to help support her finances. After not receiving the position the company sent her an email stating another candidate had been given the opportunity. This was the employer’s method of thanking her for her interest in the position, but also a kind rejection.
Benjamin Franklin said, “Remember not only to say the right thing in the right place, but far more difficult still, to leave unsaid the wrong thing at the tempting moment.”
A negative comment can ruin a person’s day or life. A positive comment can be just as engaging by making a healthier difference. Positive words tend to leave the right impression.