It is almost the end of October which means Halloween is almost here. Children love the magic of Halloween including trick-or-treating, classroom parties and even trips to a neighborhood haunted house.
However, for parents and legal guardians, safety concerns are very important, especially when it comes to road safety.
Halloween events usually happen when it is dark out and that can lead to drivers and other pedestrians having a hard time seeing kids walking by.
“The things that children can do for their costume is to wear face paint instead of a full-face mask because it’s safer and allows them to see better. Wearing reflective clothing as well is important because it can increase visibility, we want drivers to be able to see the children,” said Officer Rachelle Denmark with the Tallahassee Police Department.
Trick-or-treating or any festivities during Halloween should be done in neighborhoods that parents and children are familiar with. Parents should also agree on a specific time when children should return home.
Lisa Tripp, a parent who is on her neighborhood watch team, says that she feels safe in her neighborhood.
“I do not worry about Halloween safety that much, I am pretty comfortable in the neighborhood that I live in, I have had good experiences in Tallahassee and know a lot of people in which most of my neighbors organize events for the children during Halloween,” she said.
Children should go in groups and stick together. Parents or legal guardians should not be far behind and be able to monitor the children’s activities.
“If the porch light is not on, do not go up to the house. A porch light is usually an indicator that the house is giving out candy,” Officer Denmark said.
Drivers should watch carefully for children walking on roadways. Slow down, be alert in neighborhoods and get rid of distractions so the drivers can concentrate on their surroundings.
Ashby Syder, a 7-year-old, also has a tip for children while going trick-or-treating.
“If any real monsters come then just attack it.”
The safest time to take your children out to go trick-or-treating is before dark or at dusk.