Killette kills it with his clothing line

Chase Killette’s infamous silly-stiched logo. Photo courtesy Chase Killette

Chase Killette is making a name for himself on Florida A&M’s campus with his latest clothing release, MoMM (Master of My Mind).

Killette began his clothing line in December of 2017. Two years later, Killette is still killing it with his clothing label.

Born and raised in Jacksonville, he said that he has always had a passion for fashion.

“I’ve always liked clothes, fashion and being stylish. One day I just decided I wanted to make stuff for myself and others to wear,” Killette said.

“I wanted to see if I could make a living off of it because it was something, I could see myself waking up to do every day.”

Killette’s line consists of unisex T-shirts and hoodies that are actually handmade. With a sewing machine, Killette carefully produces each shirt with his infamous silly-stitched logo on the front along with an inspirational quote on the back.

“Majority of my clothes are handmade by myself. Silly stitch is a prime example of one of MoMMs handmade projects. I use a sewing machine to embroider thread fabric to create the silly stitch design.”

Not only does Killette have hundreds of supporters backing him, you can catch some of his closest friends playing a major part of his MoMM staff.

Bernard Jennings, friend of Chase and the social media chair of MoMM, describes Killette as the “rising Van Gogh of fashion.”

“MoMM is captivating. MoMM is influencing. The creator is more so an artist as he expresses himself through every piece of clothing created. My favorite thing to do is to attempt to find the deeper meaning behind a shirt designer by MoMM,” Jennings said.

“I think it’s great that a young black male has found a way to express himself considering many of us do not know how to. Typically, young black men choose music or just hold everything in, so I believe it is important to see someone find an alternate route.”

Jarvaris Young is also a part of Killette’s team, and you can catch him modeling a few of his items on the social media page.

“I think it’s a good thing seeing a young black man starting his own business at a young age. I think the idea behind the phrase MoMM is cool too because I also believe I am the master of my mind. I believe you can do anything that you put your mind to,” Young said.

The 21-year-old stresses that a piece of his MoMM merchandise can be considered a symbol of motivation for buyers and also a reminder that you can do anything you put your mind to.

“The name really came from me just telling myself I could really do anything and that clothes are just clothes but like when you’re wearing MoMM, it’s just like a reminder really that you can do anything you really want.”

You can purchase  MoMM apparel from @mommmarketplace on Instagram and @MoMMmarketplace on Twitter.