Florida A&M University has more in store for the 2019-2020 academic school year than many expected. On Aug. 26, during the first Student Government Association Student Senate meeting, the student relations committee chair, Zoë Mitchell, mentioned that a new parking lot was in the works.
Many students have complained about the lack of parking spaces around FAMJU’s campus since the other projects broke ground earlier this year. On the corner of Osceola Street and S. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. is the identified location for the new parking lot.
This new parking lot is predicted to open up for the students to use within the next seven business days. The only hold-up on the grand opening is the fact that a gate will be put up around this lot to help separate it from the residential community that surrounds it.
This lot now stands in the middle of a residential area. The houses that once stood on this corner were knocked down and the land was paved over in order to have this space available for the student body.
“I’m glad that they’re finally listening to us and giving us more places to park on campus. It was getting pretty ridiculous,” said Brianna Clarke, a junior health science major from Broward County.
When asked how this lot will benefit the students, Brian Holloway, a senior health informatics and information management major, said: “This new addition to the campus is beneficial to students with it being conveniently located to the main campus. It is in a central area where it’s properly lit during the night and not far from recreational and educational complexes.”
The lot will be able to provide parking spaces for about 50 vehicles and it was funded by “…various sources, parking, carry forward and construction money,” said FAMU Police Chief Terrence Calloway.
It has also been confirmed that another parking lot is in the works. This lot will be located on the corner of Eugenia and Perry streets. It will be able to hold approximately 250 vehicles. “We identified spaces that weren’t being utilized to maximize parking for not only students but faculty and staff as well,” Calloway said.
The school is working toward getting both of these lots opened and accessible for students and staff. Extensive measures are being taken for safety such as cameras and additional lighting.
Meanwhile, Calloway does not believe there is a parking issue. “There may not be enough convenient parking spaces on campus but there are more than enough parking spaces to compensate the student body,” he said.