The various pressures for the “perfect” body felt by men and women in the social media age are explored in the documentary “Getting Bodied the Natural Way: In a World of Butt Shots, Breast Implants and Tummy Tucks”.
Photo courtesy of Getting Bodied the Natural Way
In the social media age that we’re in, body image pressures are at an all-time high for young millennials.
The various pressures for the “perfect” body felt by men and women in the social media age are explored in the documentary “Getting Bodied the Natural Way: In a World of Butt Shots, Breast Implants and Tummy Tucks.”
According to a 2014 survey done by The American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, more than 40 percent of women and about 20 percent of men agreed they would consider getting plastic surgery in the future.
In the documentary, Florida A&M University Nutrition assistant professor Jenelle Robinson and her students explore what it means to get plastic surgery. Robinson explained she hoped viewers become informed as possible on the different methods there are to achieve their desired look.
“I hope viewers are inspired to appreciate their bodies and seek natural means to enhance their health,” Robinson said. “If they choose to enhance their bodies, my hope is that the information in the documentary inspires them to use natural means to achieve the desired body.” she said.
In the documentary, students discuss what they would or not fix about their outer appearance if they could.
Deja Whitehurst, a senior psychology major was one of the students who worked on the documentary. She expressed how the first step in being comfortable with your body is accepting it.
“Figure out what you want to look like, and what makes you happy, and push for that goal in the gym, on a track, at home, and most of all, in your kitchen.” Whitehurst said.
The perception of a great body is shaped by the media’s portrayal of what is desirable verses what is healthy.
Through information and interviews, Robinson and her students highlight why choosing the healthy option is more than just a great idea but an achievable one.
The hyper-sexualization of a women’s bodies have historically been present in society long before social media, but constantly opening up your phone to be greeted by the perfect face and body has long lasting effects.
The small waist, perfect butt, and perfect breast is something a lot of young woman are aiming for. However, with the rise of plastic and cosmetic surgery there are a lot of health risks that come along with them.
FAMU alumna and R&B singer K. Michelle, brought awareness to the dangers of butt implants after becoming intensely sick from hers. Eventually it resulted in “Love & Hip-Hop: Atlanta” star having to get rid of them all together for the betterment of her health.
The documentary raised the question: if the media was not so influential, is it safe to say that more people would be more comfortable in their skin? The documentary also explored the polarity of the perception to actually have cosmetic and plastic surgery and what it means to not go down the enhanced route.
Pre-Nursing major Victoria Raysor stated her time working on the documentary helped her learn more about the statistics on plastic surgery and self-esteem.
“I learned the statistics of having cosmetic surgery like the pros and the cons,” Raysor said. “I also learned about bodybuilding.”
The documentary shines light on how important it is that we enlighten ourselves on how damaging the media portrayal on our appearance can be.
Anyone can relate, see a different perspective but, most importantly, learn the different factors that come along with body image, plastic surgery and cosmetic surgery.