Florida State University opened its 72nd Annual Home Show Series Flying High Circus this past weekend.
Not even five minutes away from Florida A&M University stands a tall and circular red and yellow tent located at 269 Chieftain Way on FSU’s campus.
When you first walk inside the big tent, you are greeted with the smell of the concession stand selling popcorn, cotton candy, soft pretzels, churros, funnel cake and so much more. After turning away from that area, you enter the main stage surrounded by bleachers and seats that are filled with people of all ages.
The show begins promptly as the lights go black and a single spotlight shines on your host for the night.
The show is one of two collegiate circuses in the United States in which the performers are all FSU students with majors from liberal arts to engineering.
The FSU Flying High Circus was founded in 1947 by Jack Haskin and hosts shows every spring semester. The show has many acts including: Swinging trapeze, Russian bar, balancing, juggling cowboys and cowgirls, twirling ballerinas, acrobats jump roping, clowns, teeter board, spinning acrobats, biking, roller skating, tight wire, slack rope and finally, double- and triple-trapeze.
“I think it went amazing, the crowd was so great tonight and everybody had a lot of energy and it was a lot of fun working with everybody,” said one of the performers in the circus, Jordanne Cantrell, who is also a digital media production major from Fort Lauderdale.
The FSU Flying High Circus will also host shows at 7 p.m. Friday and Saturday and at 2 p.m. Sunday as well as the following weekend.
“My favorite part of the show was when the group of strong men came out and used the girl as a jump rope. I was shocked,” said Audra Barnes, a member of the audience.
Tickets are available at https://tickets.fsu.edu/Online/default.asp?BOparam::WScontent::loadArticle::permalink=CircusHomeShow&BOparam::WScontent::loadArticle::context_id=
FSU students get in free with their student ID and other students cost $14 if you buy online and $18 at the entrance for general admission.