The end of spring semester is quickly approaching, and this is the most stressful time for many graduating seniors.
Keeping in mind that these will be your last batch of assignments, presentations, and exams, here are a few tips for soon-to-be graduates on how to sail smoothly through the rest of the semester.
1. Study
Studying for assignments is the most important method that can guarantee graduating. What better way of ensuring that you’ll be graduating than knowing you’ve been preparing by studying? Many students incur test anxiety from their lack of studying. According to, one of the causes of test anxiety is feeling a sense of fear from not studying enough. Therefore, studying more would drastically reduce a student’s fear.
There are several studying methods students can use. Group studying is one of the most popular methods.
“Group studying is always helpful. Especially in stressful situations like a final exam, or exams and presentations that determine if you’re graduating,” Shania Rowley, a senior business administration student, said. “Since we’re college students, we also have more freedom to pick later group study times, so that no one is left out.”
Using flashcards and doing mock tests are also extremely helpful ways of retaining information. Many online study sites allow students to even make digital flash cards and mock tests. Furthermore, don’t overwhelm yourself from studying excessively.
2. Be mentally prepared
Good health plays a huge role into your success as a student, physically and mentally. Remember to sleep well, exercise, and drink plenty of water. Keeping a positive mindset also is a gamechanger. “At this point, we’ve all taken standardized tests over and over, so everyone should have confidence knowing that they’ll ace any test that they have. It might be different content, but for the most part it’s the same method,” Kevin Smith, a senior psychology student stated.
3. Job hunt
Now is also a great time to start looking for or solidifying job offers. By this time, you should have a good idea of where you want to work, or what you want to do in your career. Make sure to get critiques from professors and colleges on resumes and work samples. Also make sure that you are prepared for job interviews.
4. Take a deep breath
Lastly, don’t forget to take a deep breath, remember your end goal, and strive to successfully complete that goal. You’re ready! You’ve got this!