Two student-entrepreneurs with a similar yet distinct vision are determined to create a brand that inspires others.
Richard “Rich” Anderson, a senior public relations major, and Philipps Cheron, a senior general health science major, both envisioned themselves testing their ability to create something that represents who they are, and their belief.
Phileo Co., created by Cheron is Greek for “one love” and centers around self-love and believing love will find you. Phileo aims to sell fashionable and quality urban-style clothing.
Evolve Streetwear, created by Anderson, focuses on evolving into a better version of yourself, providing a diverse variety of streetwear clothing.
Choosing collaboration over competition and having the same objective in mind, the two developed “Finding Love to Evolve” pop-up shop.
“We both had the idea to start 2019 off right by bringing something new to Tallahassee and spreading more awareness about our brands,” said Cheron.
Since February is known as the love month, the joint pop-up shop is planned for February and themed around the name “Finding Love to Evolve.”
Both Phileo and Evolve will be releasing a limited Valentine’s Day collection in celebration of the forthcoming holiday.
“We chose February because it is the love month and desired to release new merchandise to celebrate love and to get people excited about Valentine’s Day,” said Anderson.
The pop-up shop is set to occur Friday, Feb. 8, at The Luxé at 1600 West Call St. The hop will open at 7 p.m.
At “Finding Love to Evolve" pop-up shop everything is on Evolve and Phileo. That means, free entry, wine, food and good music to enjoy. There will be a chance to win free gear. With a purchase of a $5 raffle ticket, one lucky winner will take home a free item from each clothing line.
“I can't wait to attend. I’m excited to see both of my favorite clothing lines from FAMU students coming together to create something like this. Black businesses working and supporting each other, I love it," said Karen Joseph, a senior business administrationmajor at FAMU and a loyal customer.
From Evolve will debut “his & hers" matching items with different Valentine colors to mix and match.
Phileo will feature red and light pink hoodies, limited multi-colored valentine themed hoodies, and T-shirts to match.
When asked about what their expectation from this event both agreed, “To bring new faces around their brands and hopefully attract investors.”