Students waiting at the One Stop Shop to be helped.
Photo Submitted by Cori Bostic.
At the beginning of each semester many students find themselves in one common location come the first day of classes: One Stop Shop.
Students new and old go to the One Stop Shop for registration, academic advisement, financial aid, veteran affairs and more.
Last semester students took to Twitter and other social media platforms talking about how unhelpful the One Stop Shop was.
Daryl Wymes, a campus liaison, said that the One Stop Shop is the central location for students during the first week of school to take care of their needs for the semester. Since so many students have to be serviced they put the One Stop Shop in a large area to accommodate as many students as possible simultaneously.
Many students have taken to social media expressing their discontent semester after semester with the One Stop Shop, saying that it keeps them from class instead of getting them to it.
“The One Stop Shop did not help me at all. I am still new to campus so it is very easy for my classes to get mixed up and switched around,” said Garry Mitchell, a sophomore criminal justice major from Gainesville.
Many students shared his sentiment as they stood in long lines waiting to register for classes, remove codes, or even get advised.
Julian Butler, a freshman this semester, says that he had been at the One Stop Shop for about 50 minutes. “I'm just a little frustrated. I have an advisement hold and I can’t register until I get that taken off my account. I’m just really confused because I am always sent to an advisor that is not even familiar with the classes I should be taking for my degree,” Butler said.
More than 240 tweets were sent out about FAMU’s One Stop Shop this semester.
“One Stop Shop is not helpful at all,” Netanya Larque, a junior pre-med/biology major wrote in a Twitter post.
“ I don’t even bother going to class the first week of school. The One Stop Shop is a waste of time and I am not about to let FAMU keep playing with me or my degree,” said Dubois Colon, a senior music education major.
While One Stop Shop is intended to be a place to help students and be a more efficient way to get things done at the beginning of each semester, numerous students have expressed their concerns about the One Stop Shop and hope that FAMU will listen.