On Monday, the 48th student senate held its 12th, and final session of the fall semester, to discuss committee reports, AIDS awareness and to confirm two new positions.
The meeting began shortly after 6 p.m. with the singing of Florida A&M University’s Alma Mater and the roll call of attending senate members. The room was decorated in a Christmas theme and the senators dressed in festive clothing.
Janay Green, a senior nursing major, informed the attendees of the meeting about AIDS and where students can get tested.
“Students can get tested at the health center on campus, and also at the new clinic near the Palmetto apartments, CarePoint,” Green said.
December is AIDS Awareness month. The Student Relations Committee presented a short presentation explaining what the disease is and how people can prevent themselves from receiving the disease.
According to AIDSVu, an online mapping of the HIV epidemic in communities across the U.S., Tallahassee, in 2015, had 483 of every 100,000 people living with HIV.
During the committee reports, the Organization and Finance Committee informed students that budget applications are now open and the deadline is Jan. 11. The OFC will be in full swing when students return in the spring concerning all things budget and special allocations.
The students who were confirmed into their positions in the senate were Ashley Shorter and Heaven Williams..
Shorter, a senior computer science major, was confirmed as deputy secretary of community affairs.
“I want to bring passion about community service,” Shorter said. “I want to bring not only these opportunities to students but the gratification and love that comes with doing community service.”
Williams, a sophomore social work major, was confirmed as deputy secretary of graduate affairs.
“I plan to promote graduate school education here at FAMU to the undergrad students in order to increase the attendance of grad school,” Williams said.
On Wednesday, Dec. 5th, SGA will had an “Ugly Sweater Day” where attendees came to campus and wore an ugly sweater. Students had the opportunity to share their post on social media while using the hashtag #UglySweaterFAMU.
The meeting concluded with no unfinished or new business.