Are you looking for a place to go and network? Are you looking to generate a little buzz for your small business? If so, you should attend the next Working Class Wednesday event.
Terrance L. Barber, a Tallahassee native, is the founder of WCW. Barber comes from an entrepreneurial background. He created WCW in December of 2016, when he saw a need for local businesses to gain exposure and to help drive revenue back into certain neighborhoods – primarily, the predominantly black neighborhoods.
Since hosting his first WCW event, Barber has managed to host the events twice a month.
“I host two separate events each month, one is a table- vender set up and the other is a meet and greet networking mixer,” said Barber.
Barber hosted a WCW event the first Wednesday in October at the Pavilion in the Tallahassee mall. Barber called the event the “Ultimate Networking Experience.”
Not only was the event for networking, it was also to celebrate Barber’s birthday on that day.
There were more than 20 vendors to promote their business and celebrate Barber’s birthday. Barber had a DJ present (DJ L Smooth), bounce house for the kids, and free pizza.
“This is our very first WCW event, and I must say, this has been an amazing experience,” said Pierre Jean. Jean was present on behalf of the Youfit Health Club.
According to Barber, the purpose of WCW events is to help bridge the gap between local businesses and the community, as well as bring awareness to what local businesses have to offer.
“I appreciate Terrance for creating Working Class Wednesday, it gives people the opportunity to meet other entrepreneurs, and gives us a chance to connect and network,” said Sharon McGill.
McGill is the owner of The Refreshing, a lemonade business that was also present at the event.
“The gentrification process has already begun,” Barber said. “I want to be one of those community leaders that leads movement on sustainable minority owned business in our neighborhoods as well as abroad.”
Barber said he hopes that WCW continues to thrive and get better. His plan is to keep pushing for local business in his community until programs are in place to aid in the cultivation of his own community.
Barber is looking forward to expanding the brand into other cities.